How to contribute to Adopt OpenJDK and OpenJDK ?
How to contribute to Adopt OpenJDK ?
You can start contributing to Adopt OpenJDK by first signing up on one or more forms of social media listen on the Adopt OpenJDK homepage:
and then doing one or more of the following:
- giving feedback on Adopt OpenJDK projects and/or OpenJDK projects
- giving feedback on the new features / JEPs being worked on
- engage in discussions on the mailing list (Adoption Discuss, see above)
- trial the projects both on the github repos and share feedback on them
- contribute to the github repos
- contribute to the documentations (wiki and gitbook
How to contribute to OpenJDK ?
Adopt OpenJDK is a channel through which you contribute to OpenJDK and Java (the language and the platform).
Have a read of these sections in the book before making plans to submit any contributions to the code base: